REAPER: An Exhaustive Review Article

A very detailed article about all you need to know about REAPER capabilities.

Few years ago, after v5 release, I wrote an article on my website, meant to be “the” link to know or to share to someone to have an overview of what is REAPER. It shouldn’t be a tutorial, but an exhaustive list of informations. In one page, it should answer the following questions:

  • What is REAPER?
  • What is REAPER History?
  • What are REAPER mains concepts and distinctive features?
  • What is in the REAPER ecosystem? (tutorials, website, extensions…)
  • Why is there to like/dislike in REAPER?
  • Where to start learning?

This resulted in the longest and more detailed article I have written so far. It had to make tons of screenshots and link a lot of resources. I also translate it to French, cause there wasn’t a lot of documentation in my native language. Several people saw the potential of the article and helped me for the correction (thanks again to them!). It took us countless hours. There was so much things to say!

What a success! The article feedbacks were extremely positive and the number of views skyrocketed. It has more than 130 000 views on this day, which I is huge for a small independent website and for an article of this size. I am proud to claim that it could had an impact, so it definitely worth all the efforts!

I still update it from time to time so that it stay relevant, though I didn’t document some of the most brand new shiny features. Anyway, it can still serve its purpose, so don’t hesitate to read it if you haven’t already (consider taking some pauses 😅), and to continue sharing it to everyone who can be interested!

Thanks again to all the contributors, and for every one feedbacks on this!

Happy reading! 📜

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