MPL Scripts

A free scripts packs with advanced tools.

In the ReaScript community, coders background is pretty diverse, so they all have their own specialties. And if anyone in the field has pushed audio analysis and maths stuffs to next level, it would be MPL for sure.

MPL is co-owner of the ReaTeam GitHub organization, which he initiated back in 2016 (note: cfillion and I are co-owners as well). His scripts are accessible for free (donations are very welcome!) via his own repository, already registered in Reapack. So if you have this extension installed, you probably have his scripts already!

Among these, there are some very fancy ones with complex GUI… Let’s see how far MPL pushed the game. 😎

Align Takes

Align Takes is a very advanced script to make two relatively similar takes timing match better, using stretch markers. The use case is loop recording or dual track recording, if you want to tighten up a bit the precision. This can works nicely with background vocals layers.

Tighten the timing of multiple takes of a guitar recording.

Learn Editor

Though I would recommend using ReaLearn for any MIDI Linking, it would be nice to have more controls on the native feature. That is why MPL made LearnEditor, which answer something really missing in REAPER out of the box.

See your MIDI mappings in REAPER in a nice unified window. Also allow edition of these.

Visual Mixer

If you are looking for a fancy way to mix your track, you can check MPL Visual Mixer script, a ReaScript version of Izotope Visual Mixer. Contrary to this VST, this one changed actual track properties, so it is really a GUI based track property controller, not an audio plugin. You can audio waveforms in it, which is quite high level of ReaScripting. IDDQDSound made a in-depth video tutorial about it recently.

MPL Visual Mixer withitin REAPER. X axis is for pan, track volume is the Y axis.

Import Session Data

If you have ever wanted to import some other project tracks, but didn’t want to lose time by having to open it and wait for all the plugin to be loeaded just to make a simple copy paste, you can take a look at MPL Import Session Data script. Parsing .rpp project files is complex so this is definitely advanced as well!

Import part of other projects without having to open them.

RS5K Manager

REAPER come with a plugin called RS5000, which is a one sound sampler. It very good and has lots of feature to control the sample audio and mapping, while being extremely lightweight on CPU. But if you want to build a complete drum kit with it, you will have to have as lots of this plugin instances, and it quite become a bit unefficient to set up, compared to other samplers. That is where MPL RS5K Manager come into play, as a unified window to control all your RS5K instances and their parameters. Very handy!

The full version above is quite intimidating for sure, but reveals how far you can go with the script. Fortunately, You can hide modules and only keep the necessary ones, to not be distracted. Having just the 4×4 pad visualization of the sample mapping for eg (middle-left of the screenshot) is very handy when using with a drumpad like Maschine.

As you can see, MPL made very advanced scripts, and all this using the minimal native ReaScript GUI engine, GFX, so it is quite impressive. Each of these scripts could have deserved their own post, and there are still more nice tools to showcase, but that will be for another time. You can see a list of MPL most advanced tools and ask for support on his dedicated Cockos forum thread, linked below.

Cheers! ✨

Image Credits: MPL (all but the Align Take)

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