
The WebComics about REAPER and its community.

All these technical and serious stuffs… let’s have a bit of fun for a change!

When you spend a lot of time in REAPER and its community, you starts having all kind of feelings: sometimes you are amused by someone absurd thread on the forum, sometime you are totally confused by a mystic changelog entry, sometimes you are just annoyed by someone comment, etc…

In all this, there are definitely some comedic material… so it started to stimulate my imagination, and this is why, few years ago, I started ReaComics, a REAPER related webcomics! Feedbacks were highly positive so it is quite stimulating. There are about 50 strips now, and though I have to dedicate time to higher priority tasks, you can expect more to come for sure!

The theme is pretty niche for sure (yes, I can make a strip about how another software deals with tracks), but you can enjoy it even if you don’t use REAPER, cause lots of things can be found outside it’s eco-system. Lots of strips are just about client-freelancer relationship, online communication flaws, software bugs and so on.

You can follow it if you have Tumblr, any RSS reader or just on the REAPER forum ReaComics thread with email notification, as I bump the thread at each new comics.

Let me know in comment what is your favorite strip!

Enjoy! 😁

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