Field recordists who record with several microphones on their portable recorder often ends up with lots of files to sync together in their DAW for editing. Thanks to metadata, they can have info about which files have to be synced together. But inspecting these is a manual task in REAPER, which doesn’t provide way to import files based on metadata. This is where scripting come to play!
Such feature can already be found in other DAW like Pro Tools, which as a dedicated window for this, called Field Recorder Channels Match Criteria. A simple window with metadata names to check to let the software knows what on which criteria other audio files will be considered as matching, and then be imported in sync with an item on the timeline It was replicating this feature for a client which drives me to make my own Field Recorder Channels Match Criteria for REAPER.
My script was released few years ago already, and didn’t get much attention so far, probably cause it was a bit pricy and maybe cause a free (and honnestly better) alternative (by rodilab, who mades other nice scripts) came out soon after. Few years later, this alternative seems unfortunately unmaintained, and has some open bugs, so I get reached once again to extend my own version, with extra features not seen in other scripts.
So far it was still based on a classic text input GUI. Simple and efficient. But as the script features set continue to grow, I decided to give this script a second chance to shine, in an updated version I just released, with lots of new features:
- new UI (based on ReaImGui)
- new fields
- new way to import on files (can now be on track – below and not just as other takes)
- initial items takes properties
I also lower the price so it is hopefully more affordable and could be enjoyed by more people.
You can find more info on the product page below. And let me know if you miss some features!
Cheers! 🤘