Key Sequences

A script to launch actions from sequences of pressed keys.

Are you out of keyboard keys to map your favorite actions? What if you could link several actions to one single key? This is now possible with a nicely executed script by souk21, called Key Sequences!

As actions are at core of REAPER usage, it is not a surprise that in top of regular keyboard shortcuts and toolbar buttons, scripters have explored other ways to launch them. Key Sequences offers a nice GUI editor where you can define several actions to a key (or MIDI input). When using this input, a list will be displayed as a nice popup window near the mouse cursor. Then, you can press a second user-defined key to run your chosen actions, or just click on their name, without triggering regular keyboard shortcuts from the action list.

Demo fo the script.

The script works by creating actions for each sequences. This means that you can also put them on a toolbar, or even nesting sequences, just by putting one sequence action into another one. You can see a video below of how to set-up such nested sequences.

Adding a text separator and set-up a nested sequence.

The script is quite customizable as even layout and color can be customized to fit your own theme.

The script has generously been shared for free by souk21 via his own ReaPack repository (link in the dedicated thread below), so many thanks to him! He used ReaImGui for the GUI, with a good looking custom default theme, but you can go further and customize the display to fit your need. Sweet!

Advanced display settings.

Congrats to souk21 for this nice script!

Enjoy! ⌨

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[*][url=""][b]Key Sequences[/b][/url]

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